
Fields retrieved for people flow method calls

When retrieving people flow details, the following fields may be returned depending on the call.

Name Type Description Returned Values
id string The ID of the People Flow or Step.
name string The name of the People Flow or Step.
admins array Array of Member IDs corresponding to the Admins for the People Flow or Step. In the peopleFlows/steps/getAll endpoint it will return extra "Role" details provided by the church If attached to a People Flow object, the admin is connected to the whole step. If attached to a step, they are only responsible for that step.
status string Whether this People Flow or Step is active or pending. Empty if People Flow or Step is active. If a step is pending, all steps underneath it should be considered pending as well.
access string People Flow Only - Whether anyone with access to People Flows should have access to this People Flow or not. Empty if anyone with access to People Flows can access it, or "admin" if only Flow and Step Admins should have access to it
steps array Array of Step Objects attached to the People Flow or Step.
locations array People Flow Only - Array of IDs of locations this People Flow is relevant for. Empty if relevant for all locations.
demographics array People Flow Only - Array of IDs of demographics this People Flow is relevant for. Empty if relevant for all demographics.
entry_point string People Flow Steps Only - Whether this Step is considered an "Entry Point" for this people flow or not. If any step in a flow has "y" set for this, only those steps should be used to add people into. Otherwise, all steps are equal.
description string People Flow Steps Only - A description of what is this step is about, and what is to happen. Defined by the church. Only returned by the peopleFlows/Steps/getAll endpoint
instructions string People Flow Steps Only - A set of instructions for Step Admins to follow before marking the person as complete in this step Only returned by the peopleFlows/Steps/getAll endpoint
notifications string People Flow Steps Only - Whether Step Admins are notified when a person is added into this step or not. Only returned by the peopleFlows/Steps/getAll endpoint
hide_pending integer People Flow Steps Only - How many days before notifications show in the UI that a person is due in this step. Only returned by the peopleFlows/Steps/getAll endpoint. 0 will only show on the day the person is due. All other values show that many days before.
step_due array People Flow Steps Only - When a person added into this step will be due. Returns a type key that describes how it is calculated, with additional fields based on the type.
Possible type's and their meanings:
- Empty: Person is due immediately.
- days: Person is due a number of days after being added. The additional days attribute will provide how many days.
- dayweek: Person is due on the next chosen day, specified by the dayweek attribute. IE Next Sunday.
- monthday: Person is due based on both week of month and specific day. IE: 3rd Sunday of month.The daycount attribute tells you which week of month is in use and dayweek tells you which day of the week they wil be due.
- monthdate: Person is due based on a chosen date in the next month. IE 5th of next month. Specified using the daycount attribute.
- quarterly: Person is due based on a week within a quarter and a day. IE: 8th Sunday of the Quarter. Attributes daycount and dayweek provide extra information.
- date: Person is due on the specified date. The date attribue will return an object with the date and timezone information needed.
Only returned by the peopleFlows/Steps/getAll endpoint.