
Fields retrieved for all people method calls

When retrieving people, the following fields will be returned by default.

Name Type Description Returned Values
id string The ID of the person.
date_added datetime The date the person was added. Date is returned in UTC time.
date_modified datetime The date the person was last modified. Date is returned in UTC time.
category_id string The ID of the category this person is in.
firstname string The first name of the person.
preferred_name string The preferred name of the person.
middle_name string The middle name of the person.
lastname string The last name of the person.
email string The email address of the person.
phone string The phone number for the person.
mobile string The mobile number for the person.
admin integer Whether this person is a Super Admin. 1 if the person is a Super Admin.
archived integer Whether this person is archived. 1 if the person is archived.
contact integer Whether this person is marked as a contact. 1 if the person is marked as a contact.
volunteer integer Whether this person is a volunteer. 1 if the person is a volunteer.
status string The status of the person's account.
username string The username of the person's account.
last_login datetime The date the person last logged into their account. Date is returned in UTC time.
country string The country of the person.
timezone string The time zone of the person.
picture string The URL for the persons profile photo
family_id integer The unique identifier for this members family, used to link members together
family_relationship string The position the user holds within their family

Optional fields for people method calls

When retrieving, creating or editing people, there are optional fields you can use. If creating or editing a person, none of these fields are required.

Name Type Description Accepted Values
gender string The gender of the person. Male or Female
birthday date The date the person was born. 2025-02-11 (yyyy-mm-dd)
anniversary date The person's anniversary date. 2025-02-11 (yyyy-mm-dd)
school_grade string The name of the school grade.
marital_status string The person's marital status. Single, Engaged, Married, Widowed, Divorced, Separated or Defacto
development_child string Is this a development child? Yes or No
special_needs_child string Is this a special needs child? Yes or No
security_code string Security code for check-in.
receipt_name string The receipt name used for financial records.
giving_number string The giving number used for financial records.
mailing_address string The person's mailing address.
mailing_address2 string Line 2 of the person's mailing address.
mailing_city string The person's mailing city.
mailing_state string The person's mailing state.
mailing_postcode string The person's mailing postal or zip code.
mailing_country string The person's mailing country.
home_address string The person's home address.
home_address2 string Line 2 of the person's home address.
home_city string The person's home city.
home_state string The person's home state.
home_postcode string The person's home postal or zip code.
home_country string The person's home country.
access_permissions string|array The access permissions this person is assigned to. More details
access_permissions_replace string|array Replace current access permissions with new access permissions. More details
access_permissions_remove string|array Remove access permissions from person. More details
departments string|array The departments this person is assigned to. More details
departments_replace string|array Replace current departments with new departments. More details
departments_remove string|array Remove departments from person. More details
service_types string|array The service types this person is assigned to. More details
service_types_replace string|array Replace current service types with new service types. More details
service_types_remove string|array Remove service types from person. More details
demographics string|array The demographics this person is assigned to. More details
demographics_replace string|array Replace current demographics with new demographics. More details
demographics_remove string|array Remove demographics from person. More details
locations string|array The locations this person is assigned to. More details
locations_replace string|array Replace current locations with new locations. More details
locations_remove string|array Remove locations from person. More details
family array Can only be used when retrieving a person. It will return the person's family members.
reports_to string The name of who the person reports to.
custom_ID string|array Replace ID with the Custom Field ID to retrieve or update it. You can obtain the ID's of your custom fields by performing a people/customFields/getAll call. This field must be an array if you are updating a Custom Field that is a Drop Down or Checkbox. All other fields need to be a string.

Advanced: Access Permissions

Use the access_permissions field to add Access Permissions to a person.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "access_permissions": [

If you would like to replace a person's Access Permissions, simply use the access_permissions_replace field instead. This will remove the person's current Access Permissions and replace with the ones you specify.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "access_permissions_replace": [

To remove specific Access Permissions from a person, use the access_permissions_remove field.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "access_permissions_remove": [

Advanced: Departments

Use the departments field to add Departments to a person.

Departments have three levels: Department, Sub-departments & Positions. To add a department, you must separate each level with ||.

You can add Departments as a string by separating them by a comma.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "departments": [
            "Worship Team||Band||Guitar",
            "Worship Team||Band||Piano"

If you would like to replace a person's Departments, simply use the departments_replace field instead. This will remove the person's current Departments and replace with the ones you specify.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "departments_replace": [
            "Worship Team||Band||Guitar",
            "Worship Team||Band||Bass"

To remove specific Departments from a person, use the departments_remove field.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "departments_remove": [
            "Worship Team||Band||Guitar",
            "Worship Team||Band||Piano"

Advanced: Service Types

Use the service_types field to add Service Types to a person.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "service_types": [
            "Sunday Morning",
            "Sunday Night"

If you would like to replace a person's Service Types, simply use the service_types_replace field instead. This will remove the person's current Service Types and replace with the ones you specify.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "service_types_replace": [
            "Sunday Night",
            "Friday Night"

To remove specific Service Types from a person, use the service_types_remove field.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "service_types_remove": [
            "Sunday Morning",
            "Friday Night"

Advanced: Demographics

Use the demographics field to add Demographics to a person.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "demographics": [

If you would like to replace a person's Demographics, simply use the demographics_replace field instead. This will remove the person's current Demographics and replace with the ones you specify.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "demographics_replace": [

To remove specific Demographics from a person, use the demographics_remove field.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "demographics_remove": [

Advanced: Locations

Use the locations field to add Locations to a person.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "locations": [

If you would like to replace a person's Locations, simply use the locations_replace field instead. This will remove the person's current Locations and replace with the ones you specify.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "locations_replace": [

To remove specific Locations from a person, use the locations_remove field.

POST{json|xml|php} JSON HTTP POST
    "id": "xxxx",
    "fields": {
        "locations_remove": [